Mya Belden


“Moving to fast reactors means using less than 50 tons of uranium per year”

  Coordinator of the GENIORS project, Stéphane Bourg is also Project Manager at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), in Marcoule (France). He has a longstanding experience in large European collaborative projects and has been in charge of ACSEPT, ACTINET-I3, TALISMAN and SACSESS.   Why did you accept to coordinate the GENIORS project? It was quite logical

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GENIORS 2nd project meeting

The second GENIORS project meeting took place in Würzburg (Germany) from 17-18 April. After nearly one year, it was a great opportunity for partners to meet and share the first results of their research carried out on improving the nuclear fuel recycling. “These regular project meetings are the only way to share and talk with the different partners of GENIORS,”

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Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy (ATAS2018) – Nice (France)

ATAS is a dedicated workshop on actinide spectroscopy and related techniques.  It focuses on recent advances in actinide chemistry from both a spectroscopic and theoretical point of view. Complementary application of various spectroscopic techniques and their combination with theoretical approaches can lead to a more profound understanding of structures, thermodynamics and kinetics of actinide complex formation. The workshop covers vibrational spectroscopy (IR

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15th International Exchange Meeting on Actinide & Fission Product Partitioning & Transmutation (15IEMPT)

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is organising the 15th International Exchange Meeting on Actinide and Fission Product Partitioning and Transmutation (15IEMPT). The meeting will be held in Manchester, UK from 30th September  to 3rd of October 2018, hosted by National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL).   The purpose of this meeting is to stimulate an exchange of information on recent development on P&T and advanced fuel cycles. The meeting

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Second edition of the Radical Behaviour workshop (RB2018)

Second edition of the Radical Behaviour workshop (RB2018) From the 19th to the 20th of April 2018, Würzburg (Germany) will welcome the second edition of the Radical Bevahiour workshop (RB 2018). This event is taking place in the framework of GENIORS and will be hosted by the Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT), one of the project’ partners. It is organised by Hitos Galán

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Call for abstracts: 9th International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium

The 9th International Symposium on Technetium and Rhenium: Science and Utilisation wil be held from 5 – 10 November 2017 in Sydney, Australia. ISTR 2017 will be carrying forward the tradition established by over 20 years of meetings on Technetium and Rhenium that have occurred every three years. The aim of ISTR 2017 is to cover all aspects of Technetium

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GENIORS project kicks off

Launched in June 2017, GENIORS is a new project funded by the European Commission to contribute to improving multi-recycling of radioactive waste. GENIORS stands for ‘GEN IV integrated oxide fuel recycling strategies’, and focuses on the 4th generation of nuclear reactors, expected by 2030 and equipped with more sustainable technologies. From 2017 to 2021, scientific research will be led principally on

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