GENIORS and SCK-CEN organised from 24 to 25th of October a Stakeholders event & Topical Meeting on Partitioning and Transmutation, taking place in Antwerp (Belgium).
The Stakeholders event & Topical Day provided insight on the current state of the art of partitioning and transmutation and present and future (inter)national scenarios. The aim was to create an interface between the involved communities and stakeholders to discuss and interact on technical-scientific, economic and political levels.
During the Stakeholders event, industrial, agencies and public authorities representatives presented their analyses, vision, roadmap, expectations or limitations related to the GEN IV approach.
During the Topical Day, researchers from the different communities had the opportunity to meet, exchange and finally know each other better through keynote lectures and technical presentations.
No P No T—European Projects on Actinides Separation (with a focus on hydrometallurgy) – Andreas Geist (KIT)
Comparative study of the management strategies for the Belgian nuclear spent fuel – Sophie Pedoux, Alberto Fernandez Fernandez (FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy)
Multiparametric study of hydrothermal conversion of uranium (IV) oxalate – Jérémie Manaud, Jérôme Maynadié, Adel Mesbah, Daniel Meyer, Nicolas Dacheux, Nicolas Clavier (CEA, CNRS, ENSCM,University of Montpellier)
Transmutation: From paper to reality – Gert Van den Eynde (SCK-CEN)
TRANSMEETS, a H2020 project proposal for investigation of TRANSmutation fuels in Generation IV reactors: Modelling, Experimental daTa and Simulation – A. Gallais-During (CEA)
Advanced fuel cycles and final disposal of radioactive waste: mutually exclusive or useful allies? – Eef Weetjens, Christophe Bruggeman (SCK-CEN)
Taking the Risk of Disruption – a Slightly New Look into P&T – Bruno Merk (NNL)
Ongoing activities on Partitioning and Transmutation at the IAEA – Laura McManniman (IAEA)
Partitioning for the Generation IV: A review of MA partitioning processes developed in Europe and in the world – M. Miguirditchian (CEA)
Challenges in implementing separation processes – moving from lab to plant scale – Mike Carrott, Ross Harris, Chris Rhodes, Robin Taylor (NNL)
Long-term behaviour of extraction systems for nuclear fuel recycling – Hitos Galán (CIEMAT), Andreas Geist (KIT)
Click here to discover the full programme
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